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    7 Infallible Tips To Find And Rent The Perfect Apartment

    Moving is a very stressful process, from when you decide to start looking for your new home until it is completed, there are many things you have to keep in mind.
    1. Know exactly what you are looking for before you start marking notices
    - Ideal and possible neighborhoods
    - Minimum expected area of the property in square meters
    - Limit of the rental price
    - Type of property (house, apartment, PH, etc.)
    - Other essential requirements (grill, patio, balcony, terrace, amenities, etc).
    The property search portals are very useful because you can search with all these filters already applied, and thus be able to organize yourself better.
    2. Optimize your time by searching the main portals for searching for properties on the internet
    3. Contact only the properties that a priori seem the right place to live.
    4. Coordinate a visit at a time when you have enough time to see the apartment you renting in Dubai or the house in peace.
    Although it is convenient to schedule several visits in one day, keep in mind that it is much more important to observe all the details. After all, it is the place where you will spend the next 2 years of your life, at least.

    5. Once you are in the property, check ALL THIS:
    - Make sure you have everything you said you had.
    - Try all the faucets in case there is one that fails, and you will throw the bathroom chain.
    - Listen to the surrounding sounds (it's not always nice to live near a train track or next to a noisy place).
    - Check that there is no dampness in the walls / ceilings that can bring you headaches.
    - Open all the drawers and doors of closets and cupboards, checking that there is no hidden moisture or that some door or drawer are a little locked or broken (you may not find very serious failures, but they put you in a position to negotiate better prices or repairs )
    - Look and ask what type of air conditioning you have (winters and summers come very extreme).
    - Find out what means of transport are nearby.
    - Check the hours of light and sun entering the property. Therefore, if you can go well by day to see it, much better. Ask what orientation you have, considering that one of the brightest is if it is located to the north, and the darkest (and coldest) are generally located to the south.
    6. Ask everything, any questions, however naive it may seem. For example:
    - Do you accept pets? If you have one, you need to know it and if it does not help you to know if you are going to have future animal neighbors.
    - What is the price of the expense? (if it is a department)
    - Who is responsible for paying the ABL?
    - What is the means of payment of the apartments for rent in Dubai?
    7. If after all these steps you have already been able to choose the indicated dwelling, consider the most common clauses in a rental agreement:
    - It is not possible to sublocate, that is to say that the tenant cannot rent it to a third person.
    - Modifications of the property cannot be made without the permission of the owner.
    - The first month's rent is paid in advance.
    - The payment of guarantee deposit  is equivalent to 1 month's rent.
    - The real estate company receives fees between one and two rentals.
    - The tenant is responsible for the payment of common expenses and not extraordinary expenses. 
    - In addition,  the payments for the services of electricity, natural gas, running water and the municipal rate for lighting and conservation of public roads remain under your responsibility.
    - To specify the operation, the tenant is usually required a mortgage guarantee to respond in case of default.

    - Penalties are established for leaving before or after the end of the contract.

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