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    Important:- Content will be posted within 1 Day after you share content on mail

                         Preeti Chopra-  pc5636628@gmail.com

    Mail Subject- Guest Post on bfsinews.com

    Rules & Regulations for submitting Articles:-

    Before sharing content with us Kindly check these rules & regulations.

    Title - Provide a Perfect Title for your Content with a summary in 150-200 words


    Currently, we accept content which is at least 600 words long. Content must be informative covering all the aspects of a particular topic. It should be grammatically correct.

    Duplicate Content:-
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    Content Images- 
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    Videos & Links-
    Only 1 video & 2 links are allowed in a particular content. If you have a set of contents then all of your content will be published.

    Become Author at BFSInews.com
    If you share 10+ content on monthly basis with us which are following our guidelines then you would get a chance to become an author on our website. Why are waiting for, start sharing content on given below email id.

    If you have content which can reach to a larger set of the audience then share it with us now.

    Mail Your Content to pc5636628@gmail.com

    Mail Subject- Guest Post on bfsinews.com

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